How to Hold an Online Board Meeting

An online board meeting can be held without negating the benefits that come with meetings in person. By enabling all members to attend and using modern tools for online collaboration, you can ensure that your meetings are efficient and productive. You’ll still have to make sure that the basics are in place.

Note all attendees. This is a must for all board meetings and especially for virtual ones. You risk not being able to hear from people who may have valuable insights and ideas.

Make it clear to everyone who can attend the meeting. If you need to, provide several ways to join – for example, using video or audio.

Use modern remote board software that comes with a variety of features designed to enhance participation and make meetings more lively. The right software can aid in keeping your meeting on schedule by facilitating efficient discussion and efficient minutes-taking.

Set the goal for each discussion topic. This helps the meeting stay focused and helps reduce the amount of time that is spent on topics that are not relevant or unnecessary. It is also useful to set an amount of time for every topic of discussion. This is important as it’s not uncommon for the meeting to go off track and last longer than planned.

Create a waiting area for those who wish to join the meeting but can’t attend. This is useful if there’s an unexpected conflict in scheduling or a technical problem which isn’t resolved.

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